Portrait of a Graduate

Portrait of a Graduate (POG) is helping students to develop skills that will empower them to be both productive and successful in our global community. These skills are defined as:

  • Communicator - Nurturing both verbal and written communication skills in students so they are effective communicators.
  • Collabortator - Encouraging students to develop and use divergent thinking. Students are also charged to enhance their ability to work interdependently within a group.
  • Ethical and Global Citizen - Helping students to further develop their sense of compassion and respect for others. Through Portrait of a Graduate, students are able to grow an ability to work with an understanding of diverse perspectives and cultures.
  • Creative and Critical Thinker - Nurturing in students an ability to develop and utilize both problem solving skills and evidence-based decision making skills.
  • Goal-Directed and Resilient Individual - Encouraging students to develop an ability to use time well, and to engage in both positive practices and relationships.