Resources - Contact Information

Fairfax County School Board

Stratford Landing ES is located in the Mount Vernon magisterial district. The Mount Vernon District School Board member is Mateo Dunne. Please feel free to contact him at 571-423-1086.

Fairfax County Public Schools - Region 3

Stratford Landing is located in Region 3 in the West Potomac Pyramid. Ray Lonnett is the Region Assistant Superintendent and Jesse Kraft and Ingrid Bynum are the two Executive Principals for the region. 


Stratford Landing’s library includes thousands of books, magazines, reference materials, videos and reading lab books. We have an online catalog available through the Internet, a fully automated circulation system, and Internet access.

PTA Fundraisers (Ongoing)

Did you know there are things you do every day that can automatically earn money for our school? Examples are shopping at Amazon, Giant, and collecting box tops. See more information on how you can earn money for our school below.

Box Tops - Last year Stratford Landing earned almost $3,000 via Box Tops. Let's set a new record this year! To participate, just clip the Box Tops and send them to school. Each one is worth 10 cents for our school. Want to make it easier to count? Download the flier with 50 spots.

Giant - has an A+ program that provides school rewards. If you shop at Giant go to and register online using your card. Even if you registered your card last year, you must re-register this year. Our school number is 02266. Encourage friends and relatives to do the same!

Amazon Smile – Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. Amazon Smile is the same Amazon you know. Choose Stratford Landing Elementary School.

Please join our PTA! Every dollar raised goes directly back to your child’s education. The PTA assists with paying for field trips, computers, printers, books, classroom materials, playground equipment, family celebrations, and much more!!